Tuesday, July 11th, 2006 AT 6:29 PM
2000 Ford Focus ZTS 86k *Please help :cry:. For the last couple of weeks I have been having a huge problem starting my car in the mornings when it's cold (maybe 50/60 degrees) The engine will crank but not start up and when I can finally get it to start up it kills immediately. Finally I was able to step on the gas as soon as the car started up and hold the pedal down for about a minute and the car would stay running. The funny thing about all of this is after I finally do get the car running and it warms up I have no further problems starting the car until the next cold morning. However this morning it took 25 minutes to finally get it to stay running and I really need to get this fixed before one morning it won't start at all. Any advice :.I know it's not the battery or the fuel pump and when driving the car there are no signs of idle problems, nor does the car cut off while driving, after I get it going.