1- Before the car broke down it was juddering along the road like it was a fuel problem or a possible blockage.
2- Car engine conked out altogether, would crank not fire, so assumed it may of run out of diesel.
3- Put diesel in the tank.
4- Still wouldnt fire up or any attempt to fire up.
5- Mechanic came out tested to see if diesel pump was working and diesel was pumping at a great rate. So that ruled that out.
6-Mechanic towed too his garage put it on his computer and it said bad earth.
7- the computer has also said battery electrolyte temperature sensor.
8- the mechanic has been trying too solve this problem now for nearly 2 weeks now and still no closer of solving this problem.
9- The mechanic is now clutching at straws now like the clocks on the dashboard cause hes heard that these could contribute too this problem, he has also taken out the injectors sent them away too be checked too find out why all injectors would go down at the same time. But now he is thinking of getting a secondhand ecu try to reprogram too see if this would work, because he thinks the ecu is giving or receiving false messages.
10 I have had enough now I just wont rid of this, is there any car electricians that can solve this mystery problem, would really appreciate it. Many thanks
Tuesday, April 4th, 2017 AT 1:59 PM