need voltmeter for all kinds of stuff...good to have one!
i have pics, using one for tests
if you place your spark plug on the engine (hex part to the threads) it will just as if the plug is screwed into the block---no damage!
see if it will spark multiple times, turning the engine over!
i will answer your questions, the best i can!!!!!
1) computer--possible, i've never encountered a bad one myself
2) wires---possible....we'll find out during testing
3) i think the relays are emissions related (we'll go there, if need-be)
4) ign switch-even brand new stuff can be bad! same with the "module" i've been there twice! can remove it and have it tested at an auto parts store....5-8 times (might pizz them off, but necessary to warm it up) if it fails last few, get another!!!!!test it the same, before you leave!!!!!!
5)if it turns over, starter system is fine
6)i'll link you to checking fusible links---read this mainly towards the bottom....with a voltmeter, you will also be able to check, stuff as far as how much, and when voltage should occur on the wires....this may be irrelevant to the ignition system....but good to know for a "no start" (cranking) situation.
7) did you understand the ign switch explanation (key moves rod, rod moves switch)i sent as a link???
soon as you have a voltmeter, i'm gonna show you how to completely, bypass the ign switch....if it runs, i know where to investigate
if not,
we're gonna test the distributor--i have pics..might even link you, as i have already gone through before.
you still have the commo option that i offered in messages, might make you feel better to "vent", i shed tears, when mine are sick too!!!
the medic
Saturday, July 13th, 2019 AT 11:45 AM