I also have a 1995 Pontiac Grand Am, Quad 4 engine. I have not yet figured mine out, but have replaced fuel filter, checked plugs, replaced injector wiring (which was in poor shape) ect. I found a procedure in the Haynes manual I am about to try. It may help you as well. Since it jumps around to different sections of the manual and because of copyright issues I won't post the entire procedure, but I will tell you where to find it.
Haynes Repair Manual 38025, Chapter 5, Page 5-9, Section "Engine cranks over but won't start"
I found this though: When you turn the key to the on position without cranking the engine over can you hear the fuel pump run in the tank for 5 seconds?
Please run down this guide and report back.
Monday, September 1st, 2008 AT 2:07 PM