My Car is Honda Accord '97 VTiS A/T.
- Cylinder head Gasket is newly replaced.
- Drove everyday about 20kilometers and no overheating.
- Radiator is newly overhauled and tried using plain water now as I am observing if radiator has leaks before I put coolant.
The following were observed:
- drove uphill and the temperature rose to a half or a little above the half of the temperature gauge.
- When the engine is cold, I open the radiator cap and tried to start the engine and saw that water is coming out or flowing out of the radiator upon starting or while engine is running.
What could be the problem or what causes the water to come out of the radiator?
- Is it normal for a water to flow out of the radiator when cap is open while engine is running?
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Wednesday, February 13th, 2019 AT 12:15 PM