Hi the cruise has several things to operate it first go under the hood find the cruise sevo this will have a cable going from it to the throttle same as the accel pedal. Make sure the cable is connected to the throttle not broken if ok. Look at the electrical plug where it plugs into the servo make sure it is secure and has no corrosion or breaks.
At the servo there is a vacum hose make sure this hose is connected to the eng and the servo if yes start eng remove vacum hose from servo make sure it has vacum coming through the hose. If yes plug back in.
Under dash at upper brake pedal you will see two switches mounted on the brake pedal some cars only have one one is for your brake lights one is to shut off cruise when you hit the brake. Make sure the switches are working.
Before you do any of this be positive all fuses are good. Good luck
Monday, October 26th, 2020 AT 12:26 PM