Ran a jumper wire from the battery to the pump there are 4 prongs on the pump I get voltage at the middle two coming in to the pump but if I touch the jumper wire to the middle two prongs nothing but if I touch the outside two prongs pump comes on, it is not easy getting to the prongs they're about a half inch into the male side of the plug and trying to touch the connections with a fuel tank 3/4 full of gas and sparks coming from the jumpers as you make contact. I think my luck is running out. The fact that when I installed the second pump it started right u, then quit with the jumper the pump doesn't quit but when plugged in to the harness it quits but no fuel comes out, either way but why does the pump quit is there some kind of safty switch that shuts off the pump if no fuel comes out after so long
Tuesday, December 20th, 2016 AT 5:34 PM