Hey Mike.
I think James had family commitments yesterday, so let's try this .. the diagrams are showing the relay terminals but I want you to use the corresponding terminals on the JUNCTION BOX for the test's OK.
First check the R/H and L/H headlight fuse's and bulbs to make sure we have not blown them !
Do you have a test light ? if not, can you make one like this .. get a bulb from the car(flasher bulb) connect (solder)a red wire to the bottom pin of the bulb and (solder)a black wire to the metal surround at the bottom of the glass .. like this

OK ... remove the relay from J/B .. put the RED wire from test bulb into #1 JB terminal and the black wire from test bulb to battery or chassis ground .. the bulb should light up !
OK leave the RED wire in #1 and put the black test bulb wire to #4 JB terminal, the bulb should be OUT when you turn ON the light's at the switch the test bulb should come ON and go OFF when you turn the switch off ..if this is not happening we have a break in the RED/YELLOW wire from the H/L switch ..

Exactly the same results should happen if you move the RED test bulb wire to #3 terminal on JB and leave the black to #4 terminal on the JB ..

If the test bulb is working correctly... we have a break in the wire from #2 terminal on J/B to the headlight bulbs or the fuse's or headlight bulbs have blown !!
We can test this by checking the fuse's and bulbs .. are good ...the put the RED test bulb wire into the #2 terminal on J/B and putting the relay back in place (RED test bulb wire AND relay in the #2 terminal at the same time) put the black test bulb wire to battery or chassis ground and NO light should come on, untill you put the H/L switch to the ON position .. then the test bulb should LIGHT up and go off when you turn the H/L swith to the OFF position ...
Let me know

Friday, March 13th, 2009 AT 8:45 AM