No spark after I tried to do a Delco 10si conversion.

  • 1976 JEEP CJ5
  • 5.0L
  • V8
  • 4WD
  • 1,000 MILES
Started off with the Motorcraft alt and tried to switch to the Delco 10si. Started vehicle to test alternator and pulled the battery terminal loose and it shut off. Looked everything over and it all looked good. Had the key on for a bit, noticed the relay at the bottom of my fuse box was warm to the touch. Shut off the key for a while. Started it up after I had double checked everything and it ran for about four minutes and shut off. Now no spark to the distributor. Have a Accel 59101 distributor and Accel super stock coil and a six wire ignition module. Guessing it is a 1978 ignition module. I checked the connections and nothing. Still have not done the alternator conversion as I was worried I burned up something. I have a meter and the test light. Show voltage on both sides of coil and both sides of resistor. And the starter relay one one side. My distributor is sealed so I do not want to break the seal on it. Not sure where to start? I can send some pictures tomorrow.
Sunday, July 8th, 2018 AT 8:08 PM

3 Replies

  • 11,005 POSTS
I have a 1977 CJ-5 (number six of seven CJ's). Pretty much I have done a lot of user friendlier modifications over the years (since 1991).

"Mr. Jeep" is my daily driver. "Willy", my 1946 Willy's gets driven every chance I get.

I have many diagrams, some that may aid you, sometimes it is hard to know how yours has been modified, things could be tricky.

I got rid of the original Prestolite parts that always gave me some kind of trouble always at the worst of times.

I upgraded to the Motorcraft system which came to be in 1979 in CJs. This is the best thing I ever did for Mr. Jeep, it never gives me trouble.

Recently I aided another guy on here, I made him a few diagrams so that he could tie into his 1977 wiring and upgrade his ignition to Motorcraft also.

For now, I am sending a few diagrams I made for him about the ignition, maybe you will understand them, if not just ask me!

1976-1978 used Prestolite - there was no resistance wire, I use a ballast resistor to take its place. This allows me to keep everything else to 1979 parts (If I need something, I tell them it is for a 1979). I could have went with another type coil, but that just complicates the whole show. I use the KISS method whenever possible, "Keep It Simple Stupid".

Here are some diagrams, I can make some specifically for you if you need them.

Need help with the alternator connections?

I hope I can help!

The Medic
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Sunday, July 8th, 2018 AT 9:25 PM
  • 2 POSTS
Okay, I checked everything and ordered a new ignition module. Should be in tomorrow, on the alternator I soldered a diode off of the #1 side of the plug in. What I am not understanding is it shows to go to a dash indicator ground lead, so dumb this down for me trying to understand what it connects too. I do not have a dash indicator that I know of?

Great pictures by the way. Helped me a ton so far.
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Tuesday, July 10th, 2018 AT 8:15 PM
  • 11,005 POSTS
Hoping these might do something for you.

First one stacks onto the second.

The Medic
Was this
Wednesday, July 11th, 2018 AT 4:00 PM

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