I will be at my Dads till about 15:00 Eastern Today, Thats 3:oo PM For all you civilian types out there!
Please get yourself a Tach, You will need it later anyway!!!!
Even better is the kit I described in the post I linked you to, from HARBOR FRIEGHT, NOT VERY EXPENSIVE, EVERYTHING YOU NEED!!! Its in a nice SMALL, COMPACT CASE TOO!!!!

DID YOU READ THE POST, IN ITS ENTIRITY, BADGER GIRL????..........You can also just look in the CJ 5 & 7 Forums for other SPECTACTULAR ANSWERS I HAVE GIVEN!!!
You can also get the tach at Autozone or Advance Auto.......Cheap.....But probably all by itself.
Timing with the RPMs too high, you will not get an accurrate setting.....cause the Centrifical Advance or Mechanical Advance will be operating (Throwing Out) and giving you a false reading for base timing.
DO IT RIGHT GIRL, IF YOU ARE GONNA DO IT AT ALL!..........You ain't from one of those Yankee States are you????? Haaaaaa!!!
Now that you got some help......Use it correctly, sorta a like me giving your "Baby" A Prescription!
This time, if CJ MEDEVAC, is making sense, and you "Getter Done", Remember to make me look good in "FEEDBACK"......better than the others did ("Votes")
Whatever you doBE CAREFUL!!!--Watch that fan!!!
Remember, Now that you see how THOROUGH and GOOD I am......I will send you a "PM" (Private Message, look for it!) S that you will be giving the opportunity of leaving me your E-Mail Address, so that you can have the PRIVELEGE of seeing my CJ Mechanical Modifications and More!
Your Turn
The Medic
These are my Current 2
"MR. JEEP" and "WILLY".........I've Had 7, Total, never had a car!

Thursday, October 21st, 2010 AT 7:37 AM