Update, well fuel filter is in the tank with the fuel pump so don't think it's that. Replaced the purge valve, the check gas cap signal not been coming up, bought one coil pack tried switching out the new coil pack with the old ones, one at a time and after clearing the codes, still no luck, hesitation, car running pretty poorly now, even with these new plugs, it's like the problem slowly getting worse, air filter and that area is air right. If I. Floor it, just wasting gas, no. Power at that rpm level. No check engine light right now after clearing the code 300, if I. Floor it engine light will flash sometimes and then usually the check engine light will come up and stay on. Possibly a catalyst converter going bad, watch's some videos maybe I. Can loosen it or clean it and test out, also check the fuel injectors doing the screwdriver test noise at idle speed seems ok but not while reviving. Idle and starts ups are smooth and ok.
Thursday, May 14th, 2015 AT 12:50 AM