Asked on December 11, 2010
1996 Dodge Ram with 0 miles
v8 318 = 5.2Liters Automatic 2 Wheel Drive
1996 Dodge Ram Relay check
starter not working. Replaced starter worked for a few minutes. Not working. Pulled relay inserted jumper wire into where prong # 30 and #87 outer go starter engaged. Could relay be bad how to check relay
Asked by Stingray-02
Replied on December 11, 2010
Have you checked for continunity?
Answered by Jacobandnickolas (expert)
31,021 answers provided
Replied on December 11, 2010
Swap it with a different one. Failure is very rare. Based on your tests and observations, I'd suspect the neutral safety switch.
When you can catch it not cranking, grab a test light, ground it to the engine or battery negative, then test the four terminals in the starter relay socket. (Middle terminal is not used). One will have battery voltage all the time. One will have 12 volts when you turn the ignition switch to "crank".
Next, clip the test light lead to the battery positive post and probe the two remaining terminals in the socket. The test light will light up all the time in one of them because it is finding low resistance to ground through the starter solenoid coils. The other one will read to ground through the neutral safety switch when the transmission is in park or neutral. If you find ground in only one terminal, suspect the neutral safety switch. The starter solenoid windings hardly ever go open circuit and you already found it working when you jumped the relay terminals.
Answered by caradiodoc (expert)
Thursday, October 4th, 2018 AT 10:33 AM