Hello. If you have the part number(7 digit) Or 8 digit you can shop for a Reman from Chrysler(Mopar) or I'm sure it can be replaced somewhere cheaper. Do not try a different part number unless it supercedes(was updated). Any Chrsler Dodge parts department will work with you with this number. What's wrong with it?
If not, try another dealership. Many on internet. If you can find another with this or the number you recieve that is the newer number, it will or will not be ok, and it usually never went bad but you would be taking a chance. Only because its used or corroded. They may be able to use this number at any good parts store.
That's the key. I wish I had them remembered. If you need help getting just let me know. Ok
Monday, November 30th, 2009 AT 11:51 PM