2001 Dodge Caravan PCM

Other Category problem
2001 Dodge Caravan V6 Front Wheel Drive Automatic 52000 miles

Hi, I recently took my car to be diagnosed from having a check engine light on, and the small company that I took it to, said that when they put it on the computer it had a code of.P0601 which translated to Powertrain Controller Module Failure. They did not give me a printout of their findings and really seemed kind of shady to me, so I'm not really sure what to think. I'm curious to know if the computer can be reprogrammed and that may fix the problem( I read online that there had been a few recalls for dodge caravans about something with the pcm, and basically all they had to do was reprogram it to fix it. So I am wondering if that might be an option), or does it absolutely have to be replaced, which is a quite costly procedure. Also how does a PCM go bad and is it a very common problem?
Monday, December 3rd, 2007 AT 6:00 PM

4 Replies

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That code is indeed for an "internal controller failure". They are after all only computers. They can short out internally from vibration, heat, many differnet things. External parts failures can cause the PCM to drop drivers (just like a PC). Does the van run at all? My software doesnt even give a repair option other than replacing the PCM.
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Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 AT 7:41 AM
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The van runs fine, no problems at all. We were however in two accidents where both times we had to have the front grill replaced, and one time was both a front and rear accident as the other car collided with mine at a parallel angle. The first one we hit a guy who was making an illegal run across a huge intersection and clipped his back end with our front end at about 30 miles an hour. The light has been on for quite sometime, until a little while after the first accident, but we needed to get the car smogged for the first time and my brother had the same problem previously when he went to get his smogged. He had to have it checked to find out what the reason was for the light being on before they would smog it. His was a censor problem, and we had it fixed and he had his car smogged. So, we knew we had to get it checked before we could smog ours. And yes, the code is correct, the reason I know is because they had a huge list of codes and their meanings pulled up on a computer and they showed me what it meant, however had no proof that my car showed that code from the diagnostics, I just had to take their word. The guy was very pushy telling me that no matter what the price was that the dealer had for the pcm, he could get it for cheaper. 50-100 dollars cheaper. An alarm inside me went off and said this seems awful strange, especially with how pushy he was being about getting it for cheaper, and insisting on showing me what the code meant, but not having proof of my car outputting that code onto the diagnostics machine.
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Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 AT 1:06 PM
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If you have the time before your smog is due, have the codes cleared and drive the van. If it is a hard failure it will come back and then you can be present when new code is read
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Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 AT 2:20 PM
  • 3 POSTS
We ended up taking the van to the Dealer. The PCM did have to be replaced. Luckily it was under Warranty. They told us to drive 30 miles before having it smogged. We did but it still wouldn't read. So we drove it another 70 miles and it read and passed.
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Tuesday, December 11th, 2007 AT 12:10 PM

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