Ok, so here is my latest, actually got it running last night, runs beautifully! The crank sensor had to be readjusted. Fabulous, its back on the road, or so I thought.
Started it up today, had a fuel leak in the filler neck of the tank. Went to a shop and got it changed out, ran great for about 50 miles. Then it happened again, it started, but was rough, and would only go bout 5 mph, smelled real funny( like funny gas, maybe, don't really know how to explain the smell), so I waited 2 1/2 hours for a tow truck after we got if off the flat bed, it started like nothing was wrong, but it set a code 11 on the dtc. Which means no crank to the ecm. Am I missing something? Maybe something that makes it act up when hot, idk, was still wondering bout the map sensor, and if would act like that if it was the map sensor or would it throw a map code?
Please help
Btw, I was talking to a guy at the junkyard, he said there is some sort of box under the dash, drivers side, bout 3 by 3 that the security system goes through that might be causing this issue im having. He couldn't remember the name of the part, but if you could tell me I'de try it.
Monday, June 14th, 2010 AT 9:00 PM