Do this test and advise me with your finding. I think you may have a fault in your Pass-Key III security system.
1. Turn ignition on. After 10 seconds, check SECURITY indicator light. If light is off, go to next step. If light is illuminated, go to SECURITY INDICATOR ALWAYS ON.
2. Turn ignition switch to START position, then release ignition switch to RUN position. If engine cranks and SECURITY light turns off, system is okay. If system does not perform as noted, go to SECURITY INDICATOR IS ON, ENGINE DOES NOT CRANK, or SECURITY LIGHT IS NOT ON, ENGINE DOES NOT CRANK. If engine cranks, but does not start, see appropriate TESTS W/CODES article in ENGINE PERFORMANCE section.
Based on your finding, I will provide the proper test.
Tuesday, August 27th, 2019 AT 6:34 PM