P0056 is The heated oxygen (HO2S) bank 2 sensor 2 is threaded into the front exhaust pipe directly behind the cylinder 2, 4, 6 pre-converter (cylinders 2, 4, 6 are closest to front of dash). The sensor is used by the ECM to determine the oxygen storage capability of the pre-converter, fuel trim biasing (time held lean or rich) and certain techniques used to diagnose DTCs associated with the pre-catalyst oxygen sensor. The sensor is equipped with a heater to provide additional heat to speed up sensor activation time. The ECM controls the heater by supplying a ground to circuit 5036. The ECM will pulse the heater until it has determined exhaust pipe moisture has evaporated (engine run time between 0 and 200 seconds ). After that, the ECM will command the heater On at a 100% duty cycle for 10 seconds , after which it will turn Off the heater for a very short amount of time to test for an open/low voltage condition. The ECM will continue to do this unless the exhaust gas temperature exceeds 850 °C (1562 °F ). The heater will be pulsed if this limit is exceeded. When the heater is commanded Off (circuit not grounded), the voltage level at the ECM should be high (ignition voltage). When the heater is commanded On (circuit grounded), the voltage level at the ECM should be low. The ECM heater feedback circuit uses a pull-up voltage (2.6-4.6 volts ), which allows the ECM to individually differentiate between an open, short to ground or short to voltage. DTC P0056 will set if the ECM detects an open heater control circuit when HO2S bank 2 sensor 2 is commanded Off with the engine cranking/running.
DTC P0056 will set if HO2S bank 2 sensor 2 heater feedback voltage is between 2.6 and 4.6 volts (ECM pull-up voltage) indicating an open circuit when heater is commanded Off when:
* Condition exists for longer than 0.5 seconds
* Engine speed is greater than 40 rpm
* Main relay voltage is between 8.0 and 18.0 volts
DTC P0056 diagnostic runs continuously once the above conditions have been met.
P0056 is a type B DTC.
To locate an intermittent problem. use Scan tool to monitor DTC P0056 LAST TEST just after the engine is started. The ECM will pulse the heater On and Off from anywhere between 0 and 200 seconds , then the ECM will turn it Off briefly every 10 seconds . Wiggling wires while watching for a change from PASSED to FAILED during the Off command may locate the area where an open in the wiring may exist.
Heater element resistance: 7.0-20.2 ohms .P0161 is The heated oxygen (HO2S) bank 2 sensor 2 is threaded into the front exhaust pipe directly behind the cylinder 2, 4, 6 pre-converter (cylinders 2, 4, 6 are closest to front of dash). The sensor is used by the ECM to determine the oxygen storage capability of the pre-converter, fuel trim biasing (time held lean or rich) and certain techniques used to diagnose DTCs associated with the pre-catalyst oxygen sensor. The sensor is equipped with a heater to provide additional heat to speed up sensor activation time. The ECM calculates the efficiency of the sensor heating element by calculating the internal sensor (NOT HEATER) resistance based on actual current and signal voltage measurements on circuit 1670 after the engine has been running a certain length of time. As temperature increases, the sensor internal resistance will decrease. The ECM compares modeled sensor resistance values to the measured values based on the calculated sensor temperature (exhaust gas temperature). If the heater is working properly, the internal sensor resistance will decrease at a certain rate based on the exhaust gas temperature. If the resistance takes too long to decrease or is too high after a certain amount of engine run time, the heater is assumed to be heating insufficiently. DTC P0161 will set if the calculated internal sensor resistance is too high after a certain length of engine run time indicating an inefficient heating element.
DTC P0161 will set if the HO2S bank 2 sensor 2 calculated sensor resistance (based on the actual signal voltage and actual signal current) is greater than 63 ohms when:
* Engine run time is greater than 10 seconds
* Exhaust pipe moisture has evaporated (calculated engine run time between 0 and 200 seconds )
* Calculated converter temperature is between 330 and 585 °C (626 and 1085 °F )
* Main relay voltage is between 10.5 and 18 volts
* No HO2S bank 2 sensor 2 heater circuit DTCs have been set
DTC P0161 diagnostic runs continuously once the above conditions have been met.
P0161 is a type B DTC.
If DTC P0160 is also set, diagnose that DTC first. An open in the sensor signal or sensor return may set this DTC.
Make sure no corrosion is present in the HO2S bank 2 sensor 2 harness connector and that all terminals (heater AND signal) are contacting correctly. If OK, replace the HO2S bank 2 sensor 2.
Heater element resistance: 7.0-20.2 ohms

I would start with the code p1791 first with the bullitine that will cover all your code's except your o2 sensor code's.I also emailed you some info let me know what you find.
Saturday, May 23rd, 2020 AT 12:26 PM