After about a year, I started having a warm start issues. I stopped fueling my car at the particular station where gas seemed to be slightly cheaper right after that. I talked to the dealer and he said, it's vapor lock and it's normal.
The reason it's normal, he said, because there were no codes. Usually, after 20-30 minutes it cranks and cranks and sometimes never starts, but always starts on the second try.
I noticed it starts a lot better (but still not perfectly) in a better grade of fuel, i.E. 89. Or when I pour a bottle of HEET.
So my guess it might have something to do with ethanol. The dealer suggested to turn a key to the accessory mode and wait. That didn't help. Nor does a slight press on the gas pedal.
Cold start works just fine.
What could this potentially be?
Thank you.
Sunday, November 10th, 2019 AT 12:27 PM