Welcome to the world of professional auto repair. LOL.
There are times you shake your head because you just can't believe how Chaotic it can get. More often than not it comes down to your raw ability to troubleshoot. Even then you can get to a point of."I sure hope this is it"! LOl.
Will the parts store be willing to swap it out?
Seems to me that the symptom of making noise that continues to get worse parallels the pressure that would rise as the pump pumps but a partial restriction causes a slow increase in pressure until it reachs peak backpressure and a transfer of energy is causing a shaking that is causing the noise. Where the vibration is may be irrelevent but since it seems to be on the return side, I would make that the priority, but it can be anywhere in there.
Friday, October 23rd, 2009 AT 6:38 PM