Disconnect negative battery cable. Remove right lower engine cover. Drain cooling system. Remove alternator and drive belt. Remove intake manifold support, located on lower side of intake manifold.
Disconnect coolant hoses from coolant inlet pipe at rear of water pump. Remove bolt, coolant inlet pipe and "O" ring from water pump.
Remove oil dipstick, alternator adjusting bar, dipstick tube and "O" ring. Remove bolts/nuts and water pump.
Ensure sealing surfaces are clean. Apply bead of sealant in groove on rear of water pump. Install water pump. Install and tighten bolts/nuts to specification.
CAUTION:When installing coolant inlet pipe, ensure coolant inlet pipe is evenly installed in water pump. DO NOT install coolant inlet pipe at an angle or use twisting motion during installation, as "O" ring will be damaged.
To install remaining components, reverse removal procedure using NEW "O" rings. Coat all "O" rings with soapy water solution before installing. Tighten bolts/nuts to specification.
Fill cooling system.
Sunday, September 27th, 2009 AT 4:44 PM