92 Corolla Engine Cranks But Will Not Start

1.6L, 16-valve DOHC, 4-AF engine, 198,000 miles. Car died on freeway and will not start; engine cranks good, no check engine light codes. Towed to home and checked for fuel, compression and spark present. Fuel and compression were within specs except spark was doubtful. Checked spark with a spare plug and it was thin and yellow on all except No.1 which is wide and white. Coil Pri and Sec resistance and air gap were checked OK. There is 12V to the coil. There’s power to all fuse boxes and all fuses and relays are good. Distributor cap and spark plug wires are new. Autozone could not test the Igniter (no manual available) or by a repair shop. I think I got it narrowed down to a weak spark problem but I'm not sure if it is the Ignition Control Module. Is there another way to test the igniter without using a tester? Anybody with this type of problem? I appreciate your suggestions.
Tuesday, May 29th, 2007 AT 10:14 PM

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  • 75,992 POSTS
Check the high tension coil wire

Do a primary and secondary windings check on the coil

Check the the pick-up gap in the distributor and its resistances at G1-G- 185-265 ohms Ne-G- 185-265ohms

Coil and pick-up checks out-its in between the ignitor and the computer

Note: If computer don't see Ne and G signals it will not sent an Igt signal to the ignitor telling it to fire the coil and also it kills the injection system.
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Tuesday, May 29th, 2007 AT 11:01 PM

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