2001 Saturn SL1

  • 2001 SATURN SL1
Transmission problem
2001 Saturn SL1 4 cyl Front Wheel Drive Automatic

My Tranny went out on my car and we have tried to put a transmission out of a SL2 in it and it will go, but as your going down the road it jumps out of gear, and I know the transmission was good in the other car, can there be something that I can do to fix it, or can I get a transmission out of another car, or could we use a manual tranmission that come out of a SL2 and switch it over to a 5 speed, and how much of a pain would it be
Sunday, March 28th, 2010 AT 1:34 PM

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  • 30,869 POSTS
Well for starters if u put a sl2 trans in a sl1 there's ur problem there differnt transmissions and computers. No u can't swap the computers and it would be unrealistic to change it to a manual and a sl1 manual and sl2 manual are differnt transmissions and gear ratios.U need a sl1 auto transmission find one let me know what yr it is and I can look up the part number of the trans and see if the part number is the same.I would stick to close to ur yr. Let me know some sl1 yr donors and I'll let u know if they work.
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Sunday, March 28th, 2010 AT 3:31 PM

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