Hello, Do you know exactly what those code numbers were, they sound like oxygen sensor codes. But those codes might give us some direction. So what exactly is happening, is the engine just shutting off in the middle of traffic or cruising down the highway? Does it take a certain amount of driving time before this happens and does the check engine light come on just before it stalls out? Usually in a case like this its something like the crankshaft position sensor getting hot and cutting out. Since it sounds like you are able to restart it and keep driving after some time, correct me if im wrong. But a failing sensor will do that. Once it cools off enough it will restore the signal and the vehicle will start again.
Im not sure what shop youre bringing it to, but are they able to reproduce the problem at their shop or are they just changing parts in a hope that it will get fixed? Because replacing a computer (ecm) is a last resort, and even then we would need to fin out why it failed to begin with. I never replace an ecm without finding a cause.
Do you own a small scantool or any diagnostic equipment?
Also the engine shutting down has nothing to do with the Starter, but if you can call the shop and get the exact code numbers that are appearing that will help us figure out whats going on here. But more than likely it is a sensor failure,
I will get you the wiring diagrams for the crank sensor circuits, but if you dont own any tool, I would recommend you at least get a basic multimeter. One that can read 20volts DC. Even a very basic one from walmart will do. We're only working with a 12volt system, I will also go though the Technical Service Bulletins for any information.
One other thing, do you have anything plugged into the charging ports inside the vehicle, any bluetooth items or anything like that? You dont have any of the items below in your car? Even USB charging devices..
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Thursday, May 5th, 2022 AT 11:30 AM