Thanks for your reply to my question. There are some key differences between what my car is doing and the diagnosis for a bad BCM.
When the car stalls and the security light goes off after blinking 3 times, if I press the accelerator, I immediately have power. So, if I'm driving at 50 mph, and it stalls, speed might drop to 45-40 mph in 3 to 4 seconds and then I have power. Even when the car stalls and dies completely (at lower speeds and if I do not press the accelerator), I am able to start it right back up without any problem by putting the car on park and turning the ignition key. As far as I know the Passlock system checks for security at ignition start time and once the car is up and running, then it enters a safe mode.
In all the posts that I have read about bad BCM and the security module, the people were not able to start the car, or if they started it it died within seconds and they had to wait atleast 10 minutes before they could restart.
I haven't had any issues with either the auto door locks, dash lights, gauges, keyless entry.
Friday, August 13th, 2010 AT 2:33 PM