Because of the model year, I wasn't able to find a great wiring schematic, but I did find the original factor schematics. I attached it below for you so that you have a reference.
There are two fuses that aren't making much sense to me right now. One powers the signal flasher and the other is for the hazard lights. I need you to check both fuses. In addition to checking the fuses, make sure there is power present at the fuse site.
Here is a link you may find helpful:
I'm a bit confused because the brake light switch gets power from the flasher circuit but then runs to the multi-function switch.
In addition to checking the fuses, I need you to check the light green wire with a red tracer at the brake lamp switch for power. It should have battery voltage at all times. If that wire is good, then I need you to depress the brake pedal and see if there is power out from the switch via the light green wire.
Here is a link you may find helpful:
Try this and let me know the results.
Take care,
See pics below.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 AT 8:37 PM