Sunday, May 12th, 2024 AT 2:38 PM
Engine turns over but won’t fire up? I swapped out the crankshaft positioning sensor, but my car is still just cranking but not starting. It turns over just fine, but it will not start. I thought it might be the crankshaft sensor because I wasn’t getting any movement on my RPM gauge but now that I swapped it I’m still not getting movement on the RPM gauge, would you know if the camshaft sensor would keep my car from starting? It’s strange. I was just driving home came to a stop at a red light. It shut off and it hasn’t started since I pulled the fuel line off past the fuel filter and it seems to work fine when I crank the car over it has very strong pressure, I pulled out one of the plugs and grounded it and it seems to have spark. I just don’t understand what else it could be any possible way you can help me figure it out.