If the water was above the hood, the engine sucked water into it through the intake. First, if I am correct, the starter will no longer turn crank the engine. If that is correct, then you have water in the cylenders. Remove the spark plugs (mark the wires) and crank the engine till all water comes out. Next, change the oil because it is most likely contaminated with water too. Remember, water doesn't compress like air, so there is a change you bent a connecting rod or caused other internal damage to the engine. You will know once we get the water out of the engine.
Once the water is out, spray some penetrating oil into each cylender to help prevent rusting. Allow the plugs to stay out for at least over night so any water can evaporate. If you have a compressor, try to blow out any water that still may be in there.
Next, check to make sure you are getting spark to the plugs. Since you already have them out, you may want to just replace them. If you have spark, replace the plugs and keep your fingers crossed. If the engine starts and there is no knocking or ticking, you save it. If there is knocking and rough idle, chances are there is internal engine damage.
Please note that I am basing my response on the fact that the engine was covered under water while it was running which would have caused it to take in water. If the starter is turning the engine over and it won't start, let me know. Don't forget to change the oil before running it.
Monday, August 31st, 2020 AT 12:37 PM