Transmission problem
1999 Jeep Cherokee 4 cyl Four Wheel Drive Automatic 150k miles
� � � � To whom this may concern, I've been a mechanic for over 35yrs. However during the early 90's I gave it up to become an O/O of an 18 wheeler.
Today (07/08/09) a friend asked me to check out his son's (James) 1999 Jeep Cherokee Laredo. It has a 4.0L 6cyl engine, 4 X 4 automatic transmission with a 14 bolt pan.
I took it for a test run and it won't shift out of 1st gear.
I dropped the pan (I noticed tranny fluid the inspection plate and trans body. Front main leak) and removed the filter. It was filthy and plugged up. I looked in the pan itself and there wasn't any chunks of medal, nor any clutch material. The magnet has a small amount of matter on it and it didn't feel sandy. The tranny fluid didn't smell burnt and appeared the color was ok.
I looked inside and didn't see any broken wires or anything weird.
I cleaned up the pan and tranny body, installed a new filter and gasket and poured in approx, 4.5 quarts of ATF+4.
Took it out for another test run and still the same problem.
As I was doing all this I was asking James how long the tranny was acting up. He danced around the question but, I finally got him to admit the tranny has been losing fluid since the 1st of the year and it� � � � � � � � d slip until he� � � � � � � � d toss in 3 or 4 quarts.
I believe the tranny is blown. However, since I haven� � � � � � � � t any test equipment to check out the electronics, it is possible a relay or a computer problem is the cause. Are there any tests I can perform w/o any expensive test equipment? I have test lights and a multi-meter.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you
Shal � � � � � � � � aam
P.S, until this economy improves, all I can afford to donate (at this time) is $5.00.
Tuesday, November 12th, 2019 AT 2:59 PM