Hello, it looks like you have it correct. The mark on rear trigger wheel looks lined up. Will post service info showing the correct marks for the crankshaft and the camshafts. If you clean up the area on the engine block where it says Toyota, the mark will be easier to see.
Just make sure when putting the new belt on that you get any slack in the belt on the side/area where the tensioner is, so the tensioner takes up the slack and none of the cams move.
A trick that can help is when you have the timing belt marks lined up on each cam with the mark on the belt, using tie wraps to temporarily hold the belt on the camshaft sprockets helps a lot. Are you replacing the tensioner or idler pulleys? And need the torque specs for either?
That small mark on the front crankshaft gear is to line up with the timing belt line as seen in the 3rd diagram. It shows all the timing marks. Here's the torque specs for the water pump. 4th diagram.
Here are the rest of the timing belt installation specs and details.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Saturday, April 1st, 2023 AT 2:45 PM