Here are the procedures, you decide if it is easy or not.
Removal and Installation
1. On 4x4 vehicles, loosen the axle retainer nut.
Fig. 66: Loosening Axle Retainer Nut (4x4 Vehicles)
The wheel speed sensor electrical connectors are located in the engine compartment secured to the fender aprons.
Fig. 67: Disconnecting Wheel Speed Sensor
2. Disconnect the wheel speed sensor.
3. Remove the wheel and tire assembly.
4. To remove wheel bearings, carry out steps 1 to 8.
5. Remove the components in the order indicated in the following illustration and table.
Fig. 68: Identifying Wheel Bearing, Hub, Knuckle, Upper Arm And Lower Arm Components
To install, reverse the removal procedure.
Item 1: Axle-to-Wheel Hub Nut Removal Note
1. Remove the nut and, using the special tool, separate the outboard CV joint from the wheel hub.
Fig. 70: Separating Outboard CV Joint From Wheel Hub Using Special Tool
Item 2: Speed Sensor Harness Removal Note
1. Detach the wheel speed sensor harness from the brake hose.
Fig. 71: Detaching Wheel Speed Sensor Harness From Brake Hose
Item 5: Brake Caliper, Pads and Anchor Plate Removal Note
CAUTION:Do not allow the brake caliper to hang from the hose or
damage to the hose can occur.
1. Position the caliper, pads and anchor plate aside.
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Friday, December 25th, 2020 AT 9:33 AM