Thursday, May 24th, 2007 AT 9:43 AM
I replaced my starter with a new one and took the voltage regulator off to check it at a o'riilys store (which they said they couldn't check it) after I put on the new starter and put the voltage regulator back on now when I try to put the battery cables back on it sparks and the starter tries to start up (even if the key isn't in the vehicle )their are only two wires on the starter a large one and push plug in one so I know thats right. I have the two red wires on the large thredded bolt on the side faceing the driver ( voltage regulator is on the drivers fender firewall side ) and I have the small black push on wire on the (s) terminal of the voltage regulator and the other 3 wires ( one black, one yellow and one black and orange ) all together on the left large threaded bolt terminal on the left side of the voltage regulator (facing the front wheels) I just need to know which wires I may have wrong ( I have a book on it but still cant figure it out from the diagrams ) I really need help on getting this fixed as my boy and grandkids will be here from colorado for a once a year visit and I want to be able to take everyone somewhere in one vehicle, plus it our transportation for me and my wife to get around. Any help would be appreciated as soon as possible, thanks !