1999 Ford Windstar Battery not charging

Electrical problem
1999 Ford Windstar 6 cyl Front Wheel Drive 180000 miles

I've got a '99 windstar that doesn't seem to be charging the battery properly. I have a Haynes manual that gives a brief description of things to check. I checked the battery output and it checked out at 13V. The alternator output with the engine running was 13V also. This should be 14V+. The book also mentioned to check the fusible links in the wiring harness. I can't find them. Do you know where they are?

Also, the book tells how to check the voltage outputs from the alternator on a 3.0L but I've got the 3.8L. The 3.0L has a removable voltage regulator but the 3.8L doesn't. Additionally, the 3.0 has an A, I, & B terminal only but the 3.8 has the B terminal as well as a 3 pronged plug. So which is the A & I on the 3.8?

One last thing to check before I spend $200 on an alternator. What is the best way to check the wiring harness chargind circuit for shorts or bad grounds on this charging circuit?
Friday, November 13th, 2009 AT 10:39 PM

1 Reply

  • 19,053 POSTS
I would not suspect a wiring harness issue or fuse, fusible
I would have the battery checked and replaced as it maybe the source of the problem
shorted inside battery cells will cause a load on the alternator
redo the test using a good know battery

in this case I would suspect a bad battery and or alternator
good luck
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Saturday, November 14th, 2009 AT 7:02 AM

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