Thursday, February 11th, 2010 AT 10:54 PM
My 1994 ford ranger is a great truck I am very satisfied with it how ever recently its been acting a little strange while driving. My rpms is usually around 2k in 5th gear while driving around 65mph. All of a sudden its like hlaf the engine shuts off. My rpms drop to 1k and the engine feels like its stuttering. Some times it comes out of it within a few mins other times it takes over a hour there is no warning that its going to happen and no warning that it will come out of it. My truck has high mileage but its been a very dependable truck, I checked the spark plug wires and spark plugs there doesnt appear to be any thing wrong, I have the engine that has 8 spark plugs but is a 4 cylinder engine. I am assuming it might be the power packs (no distributor) but I cant seem to get the idea out of my head that it might be one of the fuel enjectors ( I am not fuel enjected smart so this is a guess) as for the power packs I always thought they were either good or they were bad. There was no inbetween issues I really think driving the truck when its misbehaving is hurting my engine but its my only vehicle and I have to drive it seeing I dont know when it will happen or what causes it I cant decide what I should do. Any suggestions on what might be happening?