Wednesday, July 10th, 2013 AT 12:28 PM
Took van on approx. 100 mi. Trip, shut van off for 2 hours, started home. After driving for 4 to 5 mi. At 55 mph on cruise control, van stumbled after coasting down gentle incline when cruise tried to maintain 55 mph. I turned cruise off and drove 10 to 12 miles without trouble. Then coasted down another incline, van again lost power when I tried to maintain 55 mph. Another 6 to7 miles, engine stalled while coasting up to stop sign. This continued rest of way home at 4 to 6 mile intervals, not always stalling, but loss power, sometimes popping in exhaust when trying to accelerate. Service engine light on 30 mi into drive home. PO 171 code on reader. Fuel pressure reads 48psi, no apparent vacumn leaks. 3.3 litre V6 Does have flash rev to 1300 upon starting.