A rather purple (light/pale- 1st attachment here) wire of a thick gauge coming through the main harness touring around the left side of the engine compartment and ending as a terminal in the relay (shown in the second and third attachments here). This relay is located on the front main frame that houses the head lamps and, it has 2 red wires leading to the starter motor solenoid along with other thick red wires coming within the main harness( see 4th attachment here).
What we have in the 1st image is a copper clip either connecting two pieces of this pale purple wire or having a fusible link may be (although your previously-sent schematic diagram says the fusible link is with a red wire), it does not lead to the alternator as you can see. Somehow, I have another loose end wire that is red and thick too (shown in the 5th attachment), it is a (cut off- reaching nothing) wire. I conducted a continuity test for this loose end wire and it came positive with the two thick red wires coming out from the relay shown in the 6th attachment( one of the 4 relays in the rearmost right end of the engine compartment neighboring the Fuel Pump Relay), this is said to be the Fan's relay (I am not sure).
One important question please: How can I trace the purple wire leading to the Oxygen Sensor? I have 2 purple wires flowing within the thick harness near the ABS unit. Where does the Oxygen Sensor wire reach so that I can check with a continuity test?
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Monday, July 12th, 2021 AT 5:05 AM