24 Hrs later, vehicle started up normally and all computer related equipment was back online, showing correct values.
Since then while driving, all gauges occasionally fall to zero simultaneously, sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes a little longer, but never a stall or failure to start.
Episode 2: (about 3 months later.) Parked van at store. Came out 5 minutes later to start van (warm) and experienced same issue as Episode 1. Start, run 3-5 seconds, shut-down. Gauges and computer related equipment dead. All else functioning. After about 7 or 8 attempted starts, van will no longer attempt to start.
Have not been back to try the 24 hour thing.
Additional piece: Airbag light comes on and goes out intermittently while driving.
Could this be an intermittent PCM connection? Can a PCM take a vacation and return?
Monday, December 28th, 2009 AT 12:31 PM