D4 light on dash will not go out, at 1,800 RPMs it will, also shuts off

  • 2.2L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 234,500 MILES
I changed the timing belts, did a tune up and oil change, new front and driver motor mounts, got it started. Drove it to work for 2 days (160 miles). First day ran okat it had 1 hesitation, day 2 on the way to work started running bad. Check engine light came on, made it to work. Got off work cleared the codes. Check light went out ran okay for 10 miles then it started; check light came on. Temperature gauge going to hot fast. I turned the heater and the fan to high and hit the A/C switch to make sure the engine fans were on. The temperature came down, had to keep the RPM's at about 2,000 dropping it in to neutral if it slow down and slamming it into gear to go ahead. I got home and read the codes. Two of the distributor sensors were bad and the coolant sensor to the ECM was bad. When I did the time I belts I also did the water pump. So I replaced distributor, coolant switch and thermostat got it running but the d4 light stayed on. Drove 10 miles, check engine light came on, it shut off. Had to push to side of road. Got codes; 4 and 12, One was for igniter, had one so put it in, drove it home where it shut off in the driveway. So, checked main relay, circuits, taped any cracked lines or wiring that looked bad, adjusted throttle cable and throttle lever cable (one that comes off the transmission) and adjusted shift cable. Now it starts up fine (though the d4 light stays on unless brought up to 1,800 RPM's) until it reaches running temperature. Then it shut off unless kept at 1,800 RPM's. If it idles, it shuts off and won't start again until it cools down. No engine codes come up at all now. I have not checked the fast idle sensor and valve or the start idle sensor valve, MAP sensor or the EGR sensor valve. So, any suggestions?
Friday, January 8th, 2021 AT 8:10 PM

5 Replies

  • 18,907 POSTS
Does the D4 light flash or stay on solid? The D4 light is an indicator of transmission issues. Have you shorted the connector under the dash and then turn the key on to find out what codes are there? The transmission codes will be different then then engine codes.

Take a look at the connector below and if you short these wires then turn the key on the D4 should blink. Count the blinks and we can go from there.
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Sunday, January 10th, 2021 AT 9:53 AM
  • 3 POSTS
Hi, I did what you said and jumped the connector, the d4 turned on and did not blink. Check engine light blink 15 and 4. I turned the key off and back on no d4, same CEL 15, 4. I repeated this a few times everything came out the same the only weird thing is the d4 only came on and stayed on every other time. ( On - off - on - off - on - off - etc. ) The codes came every time 15, 4.
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Monday, January 11th, 2021 AT 3:38 PM
  • 18,907 POSTS
Okay. Can you get a quick video of what the D4 light does when you are driving? Maybe I am not understanding the issue and a video of what you are seeing will help with this. Thanks
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Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 AT 5:49 PM
  • 3 POSTS
I cannot drive it that would require holding above 1,800 RPMs. The car starts up when it's cold maintains start up idle speed I can turn it on and off runs just fine, I can even drive it. When it gets to running temperature it shuts off and will not start up entitles it cools down. If I watch the temperature gauge and keep the RPMs at 1,800 I can reach running temperature and the car will keep running. If I take my foot off the gas it will stop running and will not start until cooled. I noticed when I was checking to see if I could turn it off and on when it was cold that the d4 light would be on every other time (on d4 light, off/on no d4 light, off/ on d4 light, off/ on d4 light, off/ on no d4 light, off/ etc.), I put my jumper wire in the connector to get my codes my check engine light flashed 15 and 4 / shift panel light solid d4 no flashing. I turned it off and back on check engine light flashed 15 and 4 /shift panel light no d4, Every time I turn the key on the check engine light cel) flash 15 and 4 / Every other time the shift dash panel light d4 would be on and not flash. (Turn on cel flash 15 and 4, d4 solid light, / turn off, / turn on, / cel flash 15 and 4. No d4 light./ Turn off, / turn on, / cel flash 15 and 4. Solid d4 light, / turn off, / turn on, / cel flash 15 and 4. No d4 light this pattern will repeat with every on, / off, / on. I let it cool down and started it up before it reached reached running temperature I turn the idle screw up, when the fans came on it was still running I turn the idle screw until it was running at about idle (800 - 900 RPMs] steady no fluttering. While still in the engine compartment I grabbed throttle and opened it up and let it return to idle did this 3 or 4 times and it kept running. I get in the driver seat (I forgot to tell you I cleared the codes) the d4 light is still on / no check engine light I step on the gas pedal few times it revs up, returns to idle and keeps running. I put it in reverse and sit there a little bit, it still running. I start to back out makes it 3 feet it shuts off check engine light came on. I think I check the codes and they were the same but I might not have I was upset and it was raining pretty hard.
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Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 AT 11:12 AM
  • 18,907 POSTS
Okay. Take a look at the picture below. Is this what your light looks like? If this is not flashing then there is no issue with it. If the D4 light is staying solid then we need to tackle the other codes. I am attaching the info and testing that we need to do for these two codes. Let's run through this testing and we can go from there. Thanks
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Thursday, January 14th, 2021 AT 7:46 PM

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