Monday, July 18th, 2011 AT 8:49 PM
OK this is where I am I replaced the radiator, hoses, thermostat, and repaired my fast idle sensor (my Idle is no longer jumping up and down) I also resoldered the Main relay for the fuel pump and fuel injection system.(This fixed my problem of the car not wanting to start on very hot day) Before when the check engine light came on it seemed to trigger a rev limitor and my rpm would not go over 4k. Sisnce I worked on it now when the light comes on the idle is no longer limited to 4k the new problem is that the engine seems to be very hesitant if the rpms are below 3 k once it hits that magic number the car takes off very quickly. So I jumped the test leads to see what the problem with the check engine light is. When I do all I get is a blink a pause for 3 seconds then another blink. It wasn`t flashing fast then slow like many people say it would to relay to problem to me. When the car is hesitating if I turn off the car then turn it back on the problem goes away so I am confused as to the problem since the blinking doesn`t seem to be relaying the code. Is a blink and three second pause then another blick a code?