Hello, if the vehicle is cranking over and not starting it's not the battery. The battery is just getting a little low from not running and being recharged up. There is something else wrong. It can be any number of things, no ignition spark, no fuel pressure, a blown fuse, a bad sensor, etc. Checking fuses and for spark from one of the Ignition coils is the easiest thing to do, if you're confident in doing so. If a fuse is the cause, then there is a reason the fuse blew. And just replacing the fuse will not solve the issue. Maybe for a short period but it will most likely happen again and possibly leave you stranded somewhere.
Does your security light stay on or blink while cranking the engine over?
Just going through the Technical Service Bulletins and there is one so far having to do with resetting the Immobilizer and Smart Key which is part of the security system.
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Wednesday, December 14th, 2022 AT 1:28 PM