Saturday, May 29th, 2010 AT 6:34 PM
My 2003 Impala will not start. I have tried to jump it, no luck. I have tested the battery and it measures 12.6 volts and from what I read that is a good battery. I read on other websites concerning the PassLock problem but I'm not sure if this is my issue. When try to start the vehicle, it clicks and tries to start for a moment and then nothing. On the dash, the Battery & Security lights flash alternatively. Is this normal? I never leave my key in the "ON" position so I never noticed if the Security & Battery lights flash. Also, I have tried the PassLock "reset" of leaving the key in the "ON" position for 10 minutes - no change. I have left the key in the "ON" position for several hours and still the battery & security light flash. My next step is to test the starter relay. Am I on the right track or do I need to take my car to a garage. Also, as mentioned in other forums about "LOCKED" on the radio, I do not see that on my system. Any help is very much appreciated.