2003 Chevy Impala 2003 Impala Won't Start

  • 6 CYL
  • FWD
  • 95,000 MILES
My 2003 Impala will not start. I have tried to jump it, no luck. I have tested the battery and it measures 12.6 volts and from what I read that is a good battery. I read on other websites concerning the PassLock problem but I'm not sure if this is my issue. When try to start the vehicle, it clicks and tries to start for a moment and then nothing. On the dash, the Battery & Security lights flash alternatively. Is this normal? I never leave my key in the "ON" position so I never noticed if the Security & Battery lights flash. Also, I have tried the PassLock "reset" of leaving the key in the "ON" position for 10 minutes - no change. I have left the key in the "ON" position for several hours and still the battery & security light flash. My next step is to test the starter relay. Am I on the right track or do I need to take my car to a garage. Also, as mentioned in other forums about "LOCKED" on the radio, I do not see that on my system. Any help is very much appreciated.
Saturday, May 29th, 2010 AT 6:34 PM

2 Replies

  • 636 POSTS
Did you follow the relearn procedure exactly?
Here it is:

*Starting from the off position.
*Attempt to start the engine, then release the key to Run position (vehicle will not start).
*Observe the security light located in the instrument cluster, after approximately 10 minutes the security light will turn OFF. Turn OFF the ignition, and wait 5 seconds (very important).
*The vehicle is now ready to relearn the Passlock Sensor Data Code and/or passwords on the next ignition switch transition from OFF to CRANK.

Note: you may have to repeat this exact procedure three times in a row for a total of around 30 minutes. This may or may not work but you may get lucky like I did with my wife's impala. I followed the procedure once and never had a problem since (that was over a year ago). If this doesn't work however, you'll have to go to a dealer and have them check the car. Your problem could be anything from a bad connection, BCM, passlock sensor, ignition.
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Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 AT 11:56 AM
  • 1 POST
After I posted the first time, I did follow the exact procedure you have listed below. I found those instructions while searching my problem. I also completed what was called a PassLock bypass. Even after completing the bypass, the security light still flashed with the battery light. At that point, my conclusion is that the security light has always flashed like that - I just never noticed it. I even disconnected the PassLock wire from the ignition altogether and the security light still flashed. At this point, I finally decided to have the battery checked and they said it only measured 300 amp output, whereas my car needs a battery rated at 600. I put in a new battery and the car started right up. So I guess even thought the volts were over 12, the amperage output can still make a battery "dead". Without a load test done to the battery, I would have never known this. Now when I start the car, it still seems like it doesn't start right. I am going to have my starter looked at next just to be sure there is nothing wrong with it. I also need to have my system checked to make sure that nothing else is killing my battery. The battery was a 60 month battery and I haven't even had it 3 years. So I suppose my starting problem is solved for now, but I still yet may have other problems.
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Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 AT 4:21 PM

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