Replaced Heater hose assembly, transmission over haul- torque, electrical solenoids (4), over all kit, oil pan gasket, thermostat and gasket set, sway bar links, head gasket replaced. Upon driving it, I heard a swishing of water, several minutes later the engine light came on. Drove the car for approximately twenty minutes, the check engine light remained on and also, the temperature gauge on the dash board began to go from "normal" towards the letters M and A, and the fan engaged and then went off several moments later and the temperature Gage returned to "normal" until the next light and the temperature gauge began to clime again and the fan engaged and off several moments latter.
In August of 2016, I had the radiator replaced and most recently the radiator cap replaced.
Any idea why the check engine is remaining on? It was not on prior to the work being done and also why is the car over heating after replacing the thermostat?
Any help you can offer is appreciated.
Saturday, October 8th, 2016 AT 6:50 PM