Shakes or Wobbles problem
1996 Toyota Camry 4 cyl Automatic 103000 miles
I have a 1996 Toyota Camry, and about 1.5 months ago, while I was on the interstate traveling about 80 - 85, it began missing slightly. It wasn't enough to cause whiplash, but I noticed it and eased off to about 70 - 75 and the problem resolved itself. It didn't materialize again until I was on the interstate maybe several weeks later, but this time it was more pronounced. The problem became intermittent, but happened at lower speeds - like accelerating from rest to 30 - 45mph. The other day, while making a turn to go up a smaller grade hill, I ended up flooring it and could only get the car up to 25 - 30mph. It stayed like this for maybe 5 - 10 seconds, and I then heard a very low sounding hiss/gas escaping sound that was followed by a short, single metallic ting/ping. The sounds, to me, seemed as if they were coming from the left/driver side of the engine compartment. Once the metallic ting/ping sound ended, the car immediately accelerated normally and the problem resolved itself again. It has happened several times since, always resolving itself.
Knowing I had to have the car serviced, I started trying to find a reputable mechanic through a friend (as I'm new in town), when I had to go out of town. Right before I left, I had the oil changed and the Jiffy Lube print out reported "no seen problems" in terms of leaks, etc, and topped off all my fluids. I drove close to 3 hours on the interstate at 80 - 85 with no problems. I got to my destination, turned the car off, got back in after about an hour and the problem started again at like 60 - 70mph mildly lurching and missing. I began to ease off the gas and started get off the interstate, and by the time I got off the interstate, I was going no more than 35 - 40mph with it close to being floored. At the top off the off ramp, I came to a stop to try and turn and the car stalled and died. I smelled a slight odor of something burning or of something have been burnt. The transmission light came on. I restarted the car and drove it to a gas station with it missing/lurching still, but not as much as before. The transmission light went off when I restarted, and I checked the fluid levels after I got to the gas station - which were fine. There was no smoke, hissing, leaking fluids or anything out of the ordinary associated with the engine then that I could see. Also, at no time has my check engine light ever come on.
I just got back from Firestone as I just wanted it checked now regardless so I could drive back home. My thought was maybe a clog in the fuel line or the fuel filter. I paid $100 to have the diagnostics ran, which showed. Ehh. It did show that my #1 selenoid is giving the error code "random/mulitple misfires." They also found a crack in an air-intake tubing. The tech said that my plugs, dist cap, wiring needs to be replaced because they look bad and it is past the "recommended replacement time, " but that nothing specific came up on them from the diagnositc. I specifically asked him about the fuel system. He says that he recommends it be "serviced and cleaned" through their $70 fuel system option, but otherwise nothing was noted on the diagnostic - I specifically asked and he said that there was no noted drop in the fuel system pressure.
Am I wrong to think it is the fuel filter/fuel system? Could it be anything else - electrical, plugs, etc? Could the solenoid really cause these combined, intermittent problems? With all their "recommended" servicing, tune ups, replacing the water pump as my belts need to be replaced too, and a new set of tires, Firestone wants around $2000 to do everything. They're not getting it. They're giving no reason as for the problems that brought me in other to say that if I have everything replaced, it may clear up the problem. I'm now confused as if they even looked at the fuel filter/system (which I'm going to talk to them tomorrow about), but any help/recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I'm sorry as to the length, but I tried to include a much info as possible. Also, regardless, I am going to have a "tune up" peformed to replaced spark plugs, wiring, etc as it does need to be done.
Thursday, June 18th, 2020 AT 9:57 AM