Had a similar problem on our 2004 Cavalier.
Tried everything all the posts all over the web tried.
Disconnect the battery for 1fifteen minutes, while disconnected short the positive and
negative battery leads together (not the battery!),
and pulling the fuses (more on this in a second).
Here is how I fixed it :
1. Started the car.
Gauges were not working and nearly all the Instrument lights were on.
2. On the side of the dash is the interior fuse panel l located the 10 amp, little fuse for the instrument "cluster".
3. Pulled the fuse and the instrument lights went out just like you would expect.
4. Now here I lose track a bit, but I believe I turned off the car, and then put the fuse back in place. I may have had the car running so if off does not work then replace the fuse with the car running.
5. Heard some noises like the fuel pump and then restarted the car, viola fixed!
Thursday, July 8th, 2021 AT 10:27 AM