Hello, when a temperature sensor reads -40 degrees it means that the sensor has an open wire inside of it or a wire going to the sensor is open (broken). The -40 degrees is a default strategy the cars computer reverts to. Here is 2 wiring diagrams of the A/C wiring, there isn't much involved. Just the relay you already checked and the wiring the computer. There should be a code stored in the computer for the ambient temperature sensor. So you need to have the computer scanned for codes to start with, your local parts store will scan it for free. You should check Fuse #59 it feeds the A/C compressor relay. You can also check at the compressor for power on the light blue wire with the system on. The relay is directly controlled by the cars computer. It sounds like because the computer is seeing -40 degrees outside, its probably not turning the A/C compressor on. But I would address the temp sensor first, then see if your compressor turns on. Has the check engine light been on at all?
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Friday, July 31st, 2020 AT 10:47 AM