Disconnect the negative battery cable.
Install engine support fixture (1) special tool # 8534. Do not raise engine at this time.
Remove both left and right side engine mount through bolts.
Remove the structural dust cover.
Drain engine oil.
CAUTION: Only raise the engine enough to provide clearance for oil pan removal. Check for proper clearance at fan shroud to fan and cowl to intake manifold.
Raise engine using special tool (1) # 8534 to provide clearance to remove oil pan.
NOTE: On 4WD vehicles, the front axle must be lowered, to provide clearance for oil pan removal. It is not necessary to remove the front axle from the vehicle, or remove the axle shafts.
For 4WD Vehicles Remove the pinion bracket.
For 4WD Vehicles Disconnect the front driveshaft at the front axle.
For 4WD Vehicles Remove the front axle mounting bolts.
For 4WD Vehicles Lower axle using suitable jack enough to provide clearance to remove oil pan.
NOTE: Do not pry on oil pan or oil pan gasket. Gasket is integral to engine windage tray and does not come out with oil pan.
Remove the oil pan mounting bolts and oil pan.
Unbolt oil pump pickup tube and remove tube.
Inspect the integral windage tray and gasket and replace as needed.
Clean the oil pan gasket mating surface of the bed plate and oil pan.
Position the oil pan gasket and pickup tube with new o-ring. Install the mounting bolt and nuts. Tighten bolt and nuts to 28 Nm (20 ft. Lbs.).
Position the oil pan and install the mounting bolts. Tighten the mounting bolts to 15 Nm (11 ft. Lbs.) In the sequence shown.
Lower the engine into mounts using special tool (1) # 8534.
Install both the left and right side engine mount through bolts. Tighten the bolts to 68 Nm (50 ft. Lbs.).
Remove special tool # 8534.
Install structural dust cover.
NOTE: On 4WD vehicles, the front axle must be lowered, to provide clearance for oil pan removal. It is not necessary to remove the front axle from the vehicle, or remove the axle shafts.
For 4WD Vehicles Raise axle using suitable jack.
For 4WD Vehicles Install the front axle mounting bolts.
For 4WD Vehicles Install the pinion bracket.
For 4WD Vehicles Install the front driveshaft to the front axle.
Fill engine oil.
Reconnect the negative battery cable.
Start engine and check for leaks.
Tuesday, October 9th, 2012 AT 1:03 AM