Hi I have 3.0 doch turbo Isuzu trooper I have recently had flywheel changed but it sat idl for 6 months and it was running perfect before flywheel went when I got it back I had an issue, when I start it on a morning it idles fine with a little white smoke if I then rev it it clears but if I then immediately press the clutch it bellows out white smoke then if I rev it holding clutch down it misfires and bellows out the smoke again, so when I set off up the road in first gear when I accelerate it's like there is reduced power but its building up inside it then a big puff of white smoke the engine releases and away she goes same thing happens in second and third and then not as bad in fourth and by fith gears its running smooth,
This happens all day at every junction hot r cold but it runs fine sometime then not but fifth gear always seems ok and if I just cruising through town in third r fourth with steady revs it constantly shudders and the odd puff of white smoke now this process seems to be getting worse weekly, can someone please tell me if this is air flow meter sensors or splitters in the sum causing injector issues as I am not loosing oil or water so it not water on the head or anything I dont think also fuel lines look ok so I don't think she taking in air at this end either so its def fuel related but is it electrical sensor issues of fuel sensor issues
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012 AT 10:43 PM