1999 Chrysler Cirrus Battery wont charge

  • 2.5L
  • V6
  • FWD
  • 170,000 MILES
Sometimes the battery light would come on when the car got warm. I took the alternator to repair shop and they put new brushes in it. It seemed o.K. For a few days, then the battery light just stayed on and the battery wouldn't charge. (Took alternator back to repair shop and they tested it and said it was fine & I replaced battery). Before the charging issue, sometimes the car would just die when I was driving. Could this be the ecm? And how can it be tested?

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014 AT 3:52 PM

1 Reply

  • 33,975 POSTS
The Engine Computer should be the last suspect. Lets address the charging problem first because each time you remove the battery cable to repair something, the computer is going to lose its memory and any diagnostic fault codes are going to be erased. We need the stalling problem to occur again so the codes will set again. Without a fault code it's impossible to know where to start. You're also going to have a low idle condition that we can fix later. Until then you may need to hold the accelerator pedal down 1/4" to get the engine started and to keep it running.

To start with, measure the voltages on the two smaller wires on the back of the alternator with the engine running. Measure the voltage on the larger bolted-on output wire with the engine running and with it not running. Holler back with those numbers.
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Tuesday, February 11th, 2014 AT 4:24 PM

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