Wednesday, December 15th, 2010 AT 3:09 PM
Im a proud owner of a 1998 Acura 3.2 TL. Over the past year I have had the problem of my car stalling when coming to a stop. Ive realized that my car has to be at least over half to keep this problem from occuring. I dont know if its a sensor within my gas system that has went bad but when I ask mechanics about this issue they have not been able to come up with a conclusion. Ive had my car inspected twice, and one concluded that I needed to change my fuel filter. That didnt help. My logical guess as mentioned before that there is a sensor within my fuel system that has went bad. With it being on low fuel, and the gas floe being pushed to the front of the car, my car reads as if there is no gas causing me to recrank it. Sometimes its a hard crank due to the confusion of no gas being there. I hope this is enough detail and hope that you all can assist me to finding out this problem. Thanks.