Here are the diagnostic procedures.
1. Warm engine to normal operating temperature. Connect voltmeter between terminals TT and E1 of check connector. Check connector is located in engine compartment, near left strut tower. See Fig. 8.
2. Turn ignition on. Note if voltage changes with throttle opening. If voltage changes with throttle opening, proceed to step 6. If voltage does not change with throttle opening, proceed to next step.
3. Obtain access to ECT ECU, located near glove box. See Fig. 1. Connect voltmeter between terminals BK and GND on ECT ECU with connector installed on ECT ECU. See Fig. 12.
4. No voltage should exist with brake pedal released. Approximately 10-14 volts should exist with brake pedal depressed. If voltage is not as specified, check for defective brakelight switch or wiring circuit.
5. If voltage is as specified, check for defective ECT ECU power source or ground connections. Check for short or open circuit in wire to TT terminal of check connector. Check for defective throttle position sensor or wiring.
6. Perform MANUAL SHIFTING TEST. If transmission does not perform correctly, repair transmission. If transmission operates correctly, road test vehicle and ensure voltage at terminal TT increases from zero to 7 volts.
7. If no voltage exists, go to step 9. If voltage increases from zero to 7 volts, transmission or solenoid is faulty. If voltage increases from zero to 5 volts, perform NO UPSHIFT TO OVERDRIVE under SYMPTOM TROUBLE SHOOTING.
8. If voltage increases from zero to 3 volts, check for battery voltage between terminals 2 and GND on ECT ECU with connector installed on ECT ECU and shift lever in "D" position. See Fig. 12. If battery voltage exists, check for defective neutral start switch or wiring circuit. If battery voltage does not exist, replace ECT ECU.
9. Check for battery voltage between terminals "L" and GND on ECT ECU with connector installed on ECT ECU and shift lever in "D" position. See Fig. 12. If battery voltage exists, check for defective neutral start switch or wiring circuit. If battery voltage does not exist, replace ECT ECU.
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Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 AT 2:24 PM