1-4) engine compartment
5) engine compartment and under dash
6) under dash and instruments
7) rear compartment and accessories
i'm sure these will not be clear on this site---i will send you a private message to privately obtain your email addressthey are very clear in my downloads
to get to messages
at top of this page click your username> page comes up> look left---you will see messages. Your info is not broadcast world wide in there
i cannot send all in one shot on this site (i just tried, lost a novel I wrote you)---so I will do 2 posts
i cannot copy charts in mitchell i---so if you need to know a component location, tell me what it is, I will search the charts and pass it on back to you
if your truck is a keeper---you might wanna do like I did, with your diagrams---makes it so ez!
See january 4th on this post---my reply that starts out, "ok here's the deal"
message should be a minute or so after I post these 2 posts. Check out the diagrams (Below). Please let us know what happens.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Monday, February 15th, 2021 AT 9:54 AM